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Logitech Mini Controller for Logitech Revue and Google TV review and discount

Logitech Mini Controller for Logitech Revue and Google TV

Logitech Mini Controller for Logitech Revue and Google TV description

The logitech mini controller is a thumb-sized, keyboard-based remote that’s the ideal companion for google tv systems, and coffee tables, too.
User reviews for Logitech Mini Controller for Logitech Revue and Google TV -

Logitech Mini Controller for Logitech Revue and Google TV features

  • Compatible with Logitech Revue and Google TV systems
  • Thumb-sized QWERTY keyboard searches content from the Web, your TV programming, and more
  • Navigates and scrolls easily with combination touch pad/D-pad
  • Entertainment-system controls like Play, Pause, Rewind, and Fast Forward
  • Changes backlighting depending on functionality

Logitech Mini Controller for Logitech Revue and Google TV best price


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